Secure and reliable relations, with the accumulated positive affection, mutual trust, and mutual understanding, do not immediately arise between partners.
For their development, some couples require more than three years. But how, during this time not to get depressed, not to lose faith in a partner, not to lose your "I" in a relationship?
Stress and conflict
The most common vicious circle in a relationship is stress = conflict, conflict = stress. Experiences, suffering, difficulties in restoring mutual understanding lead both partners to a chronic stressful state. Relationships may begin to be associated with problems, conflicts, troubles if you are continually experiencing stress in them. Today in many couples, it is not customary to tolerate each other.
It's not about indulging and turning the "other cheek" at all. It is just about understanding the partner and his requests and asking him the same in return. Regular conflicts are harmful to both, but one of the partners has to soften the conflict more often than the other or suffer from aggression and attacks. Avoiding conflicts is not the best solution to the problem. By avoiding, you do not decide anything. You postpone the issue indefinitely, forget about it. What's next? Stress from the fact that the problems have accumulated even more.
Problems at work, at school, the child quarreled with his mother; her husband did not praise him for a delicious dinner - stress again. You are upset, depressed, and offended. And at this moment, when you have so much negative, stressful, your man begins to get angry.
You didn't turn to him that way; you answered wrong, you didn't look so. Not only that, and thus enough problems, so the husband still exacerbates. Again, a vicious circle. Everything is not as it should. Similar situations are familiar to many couples, especially in the early years of marriage.
What to do? - Break the vicious circle.
Freedom from stress in relationships
Why are we getting into a relationship? For the sake of love, care, happiness, success, prosperity - hundreds of motives. But the most important is for an inner sense of security and peace. But what is the paradox?
If a woman is not calm by herself, irritated continuously, and seeks out an occasion to be upset, she will never be free from stress and will never feel safe even with her most caring husband.
Let us begin to look for freedom from stress in ourselves. We need a conscious understanding that we are safe. That a man also experiences emotions; they can be completely different from yours, which is normal.
If you bring problems to the house, you bring stress. For example, you fought with a friend, or you were rude to a subordinate. Does this mean that the problem needs to be inflated at home? Do you need the support of your husband in this matter, which does not directly concern him? Or are you already at that age when you can comprehend and resolve such situations yourself? Do not create artificially stressful situations, and life will become much calmer. Allow yourself to be freed from stress in a relationship, realize that it is superfluous in them - live calmly. The fundamental differences in the relationship will be considered further. But do not trifle in relationships, and then the stress will be much less.
Wisdom comes over the years
Does wisdom come over the years? She is growing up. And when you grow spiritually and morally, the partner has to become after you. Stress resistance is observed in those couples who have healthy, trusting relationships.
How to trust him if he has done so much for you? Do you live now, will you live tomorrow, or is your past deciding everything? Again, do not go in cycles, experience situations, and live further.
Learn to breathe properly
Do not test your heart if you are angry and feel a rapid heartbeat - reduce its amplitude with breathing, so you can relax and avoid stress.
Do you understand that your husband or girlfriend is wrong and puts pressure on you? Provokes? But are you to blame for this? No? Do not react. That is not your anger. That is his lack of expression. He is thus trying to convey something to you. In pairs with a stable emotional connection, the partners are calmer and do not create provocative situations. Build sustainable attachment. Help the partner in this matter. Cultivate relationships together; then external stressful conditions will not affect the relationship.
Each person who has begun to move along the path of personal growth has come across the assertion that the vital aspect of internal change is love and self-acceptance. We hear about it from everywhere, starting with the Bible, which talks about the fundamental love of self, and ending with short articles on ways to improve life in magazines. We accept it wisely, but how to do it technically is not clear to most. In this article, we will show you the motivation for change and real techniques that will help you achieve acceptance and love of yourself and others.
In everyday life, people often adhere to the behaviours described in the transactional analysis of the Karpman triangle: "victim," "stalker," "rescuer." The same person in different situations and with different people can play different roles, represented by a triangle. Having studied these roles' characteristics, we can conclude that none of them is profitable, so you should not stick to any indicated positions. What model of behaviour then adhere to?
According to psychologists, assertiveness is one of the essential factors for achieving success because all people live in society. Therefore, effective interaction with representatives of the community will contribute to productive life: success in work (business), material wealth, in the family (family relationships), etc.
Sometimes even the biggest sceptics are faced with something that cannot be explained by anything other than magic.
When miracles are happening in our life, then we fundamentally changing our fate. As befits miracles, they arrived when you least expect them. Well, or when you realize that only magic can help you.
All life consists of change. Thanks to them, we become who we are: they shape our personality, temperament, and character. And if we want to prepare for these life shifts in the best way, it is necessary to pay attention to the following signs.
Life does sometimes change its course literally 180 degrees. Hectic times quickly give way to a period of calm until the storm hits you again. At the same time, no external signs usually even indicate future changes. They happen, and we have no choice but to try to adapt to them.
The law of karma is one of the most complicated rules in our world. Its complexity lies in its ambiguity - depending on the type of person, on the energy that surrounds him, the manifestations of the law of karma can be different. And this is the main difficulty. A large number of factors you can consider. How can we explain the fact that two people can have a completely different view of the same problem?
We can strive for our own peace consciously or unconsciously, but the inner world really often acts as a motivator of our actions. We are always drawn to do what gives us pleasure and makes life easier. Even if we are talking about very destructive behavior, still the goal with us, as a rule, is "to make us feel better."
Try to imagine inner peace as a spiritual savings account. Every time you come across precisely what you felt you should have done already, be sure to pay attention to this; if put off for later, these seemingly insignificant questions subconsciously deprive you of spiritual energy. And when you do realize what seems necessary to you, an increase in personal peace of mind is observed every time.
How often do you want to start a new life with the New Year? Finally, go in for sports and learn how to make good money, lose weight or build muscle, learn a new language, find a good spouse, devote more time to children, write a book, change jobs, open a business, put in place, insolent relatives or colleagues? And how often did dreams remain dreams?
A human being is a system in which everything is interconnected, everything depends on everything, and everything affects everything.
For example, when you experience sadness, the rhythm of breathing changes, muscles contract differently, and the chemical composition of the blood changes. Long-term negative emotions can change the body's biochemical processes, unnecessarily stimulate the nervous system, and upset the activity of internal organs, up to their change or disease.
People start to pay more attention not just to how they look, but also how they feel, what they eat, and what physical activities they can do. They start to understand that physical exercise stimulates changes and adaptation of tissues. People are more aware that regular physical activity reduces the likelihood of illness, the frequency of the leading causes of death, and the overall health and quality of life.
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Months on ye at by esteem desire warmth former. Sure that that way gave any fond now. His boy middleton sir nor engrossed affection excellent. Dissimilar compliment cultivated preference eat...
Months on ye at by esteem desire warmth former. Sure that that way gave any fond now. His boy middleton sir nor engrossed affection excellent. Dissimilar compliment cultivated preference eat...
Months on ye at by esteem desire warmth former. Sure that that way gave any fond now. His boy middleton sir nor engrossed affection excellent. Dissimilar compliment cultivated preference eat...