Psychology of Jewellery

Everything we wear on ourselves means something. This is especially true of jewellery. They talk about our character, temperament, lifestyle, mood and much more. Most women have favourite jewellery that has a particular symbolic meaning: a reminder of an acquaintance, an important event in life, a memory of a dear person, a first date, etc.

Until a few decades ago, jewellery was only available to wealthy women, but there was a certain etiquette governing the wearing of jewellery. Precisely jewellery, because then there was no jewellery so beloved now. Jewellery could be afforded only by the middle and upper class. If any product fell into the hands of a woman from a poor family, then it was mainly taken care of, passed down from generation to generation.

By temperament

The lack of opportunities for self-expression is bad for a person's personality. Many famous psychologists have stated this. Even now, women from Italy, France, the United States feel much more relaxed, and they look natural in their outfits - they reflect their essence. They use fashion trends in their looks, they are not afraid of experiments and the jewellery itself.

Impulsive and hot-tempered people love large jewellery that can express their colourful character. Large beads, massive red gold bracelets and necklaces, large earrings, luxurious design. Women with such a character love strong emotion, cannot live without them, but at the same time, they give everything they have! They attract everyone around them, but not everyone can cope with such a character!

Calm and measured girls prefer the classics. It may not necessarily be a classic design, but they stand for restraint and elegance: a pair of thin chains with small pendants, a little bracelet, stud earrings. At the same time, modern trends are not alien to them, but among them, they choose only what is in their taste, rejecting all massive and bright jewellery.

More restrained representatives of other countries are looking for unique products that accurately express their views: the author's works, ethnic motives, Chinese pendants, beads, oriental jewellery, etc.

By appointment

All jewellery can be divided into several categories, each of which will have its own subtext.

Demonstrate sensuality. The more complex jewellery a girl wears, the more it says about her aesthetic taste and sensual character. It is essential that for all its complexity, the decoration is tasteful. Even the smallest models can be so exciting and unusual, accurately reflecting the inner world of a girl, that there is absolutely no need to give a "voice" to bright products. An elegant bracelet made of red gold or an ornate pendant can become a highlight.

Talismans. This concept is more than a thousand years old. It is known that many precious and semi-precious stones and metals have specific characteristics, for example, they protect from the evil eye, help to improve health, etc. Also, do not forget about the shape of the jewellery. Scarabs are worn for good luck, jewellery with turquoise attracts love into the life of its owner. Besides, for a person, this or that object can have a special meaning, and hence its energy field, which protects from external negative influences, bad thoughts, etc.

Seduction and passion. Let's be honest, we dress and select images more for the people around us, especially for men. We strive to attract the eyes, even when we are wearing converse and ripped jeans. You need to have an excellent taste to always look not vulgar at any age. Besides, you need to know what exactly you want, because men are different, and they are attracted by different things. Fatal seductresses wear necklaces that accentuate the neckline, chic earrings with emeralds or other stones, and passionate natures love layering and massive items.

Success. When a woman reaches an individual status in life and career, she begins to choose more expensive jewellery. We are not always talking about diamonds and platinum - modern women are aware of fashion trends and know that high-quality crystals are a better option. It is not the price that matters, but the quality. Besides, many celebrities choose to wear famous brand jewellery on the red carpet.

Belonging to a subculture. Ardent representatives of a particular layer of culture express their belonging with the help of jewellery. Goths and other "dark forces" give preference to leather goods, ivory gizmos, and dark colours. Bohemia loves luxury in all its manifestations. Modern yuppies and hippies - massive gold bracelets and earrings, as well as other boho-style items.

By mood

Do you feel that today is a special day, and there is a desire to wear jewellery that is not part of your daily look? Or maybe you think the approach of spring and want something bright and light? Then look for an original pendant in the shape of a heart or a crown pendant.

Do not deny yourself the pleasure!


Discover minimalist jewellery by The Alter Life.

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