The law of karma is one of the most complicated rules in our world. Its complexity lies in its ambiguity - depending on the type of person, on the energy that surrounds him, the manifestations of the law of karma can be different. And this is the main difficulty. A large number of factors you can consider. How can we explain the fact that two people can have a completely different view of the same problem?
People are so different - and the level of development, and the conditions in which they live, and what they aspire. At the same time, one should not forget that it is the level of human development that determines what kind of energy will surround him.
Three main types of energy that determine a person's actions: tamas, rajas, sattva.
These types of energy designate what decision a person will make.
For example, consider the following question: to help or not to help children?
The most important thing here is to understand that there are three types of energy and that in ordinary people, these three types of energy are mixed. It would be a mistake to consider a person one hundred percent sattvic, rajasic, or tamasic. There are specific mixtures of these energies, and therefore human actions can be different depending on the situation.
There are such concepts as akarma, vikarma, karma.
Akarma is an action without consequences for the one who performs it.
Karma is the law of feedback - "what you sow, you will reap."
Wikarma - when a person knows that his actions will lead to negative consequences, but he does it anyway and can do nothing about it.
Let us now consider the difference between "karma" and "fate." Take, for example, an ordinary person: in his past lives, he accumulated karma, and before he was born in this world, his fate was determined. If in this incarnation, this ordinary person lives, committing harmful acts, his future will gradually deteriorate. However, it depends on what kind of energy surrounds a person: if sattva, then everything will return to him very quickly; if ignorance, he will not understand anything in this life.
If a person begins to do yoga, he can change his fate. True, in this case, we can say that this person had the karma to do yoga and change his future.
That is the value of yoga! The fact that with the help of yoga, a person can change the negative supply of karma that he has.
There is an opinion that karma of the lower worlds accumulates in the legs of a person. Karma of hell accumulates in the ankles and feet. The karma of the animal world is in the lower legs and knee joints. Karma of hungry spirits or very poor people is in the hips. When you overcome these limitations with the help of specific asanas, you become more mobile, and the pain in the legs goes away. However, keep in mind that it costs a person who practices yoga to communicate with people who have massive problems in their legs and how these problems will appear in him. And again, everything must be re-designed and put up with the problem, which is now becoming yours.
The law of karma is callous to egoists and very fair to those who engage in self-improvement.
Positive thinking is a type of thinking where, when solving life problems, a person sees mainly advantages, not disadvantages; good luck, success, and life lessons, not mistakes and bad luck; goals and objectives, not problems; opportunities, not obstacles; their desires and resources, not the needs and requirements.
Positive thinking is not to deny the negative. Positive thinking is to look where you need to and do what follows.
A crystal is a beautiful, perfect form. It contains harmony, balance, purity, and perfection. Natural quartz crystals are formed at great depths at very high pressures and high temperatures from highly structured aqueous solutions of silicon dioxide. They rest in the ground, and sometimes in voids, where they have washed away from more upper layers due to soil displacement processes. Gold or silver is often found next to quartz crystals. Quartz crystals and their varieties are found all over the world. Crystals are currently being developed in Arkansas, Brazil, Columbia, Sri Lanka, and other countries.
We limit ourselves because we are driven by attitudes from childhood: "Don't hang out!" "Do you need more than anyone else?" "The main thing is that everyone is well-fed and shod," "You already have everything!", "Why do you need so much?" "Money cannot buy happiness". But what if the Soul asks for more? It is time to find the determination to have.
An intention differs from a desire in the first place with a determination to act, but the question often arises - how can one find this determination? How to allow yourself to go and take your own, without hesitation, doubt, and anxiety? The secret is to set yourself up for success and consider the future actions smoothly and calmly as if you are going to the store for bread or to the post office for the parcel.
In general, the best way to get an answer to this question is to gather all your courage and just find the time to carry out any spiritual practice, try it yourself. You should be ready to meet face to face with everything that will manifest itself, and then to come into contact with the most valuable within yourself every day.
Around us, there are so few things and phenomena that affect us. It's challenging for some people to find something inspiring, but others can find inspiration in everything around them.
All people need inspiration. How to learn to cause a surge of creativity when it is required? What causes inspiration, how does it come, and what to do if you need to be creative, but don't have the right mood? Let's look at these issues!
Next to friends, we learn to show attention and support, and we get it in return. Each person has different ideas about friendship.
For some, friendly communication is limited by common interests, for example, friends go fishing together, and girlfriends go shopping. Usually, friends spend birthdays together, share news, and always keep in touch. Sometimes, when friends are far apart, they just call back or chat. Others believe that friendship is a concept around the clock, and if you called a friend in the middle of the night and did not help you, this is not a reliable friend at all.
And yet, there are general parameters by which you can judge whether your relationship is friendship.
Louise Hay is one of the founders of self-help movements. She is an author and created a positive healing technique. Through Louise's healing methods and positive philosophy, millions of people have learned to form more of what they need in their lives–more wellness in their bodies, minds, and spirits.
We can strive for our own peace consciously or unconsciously, but the inner world really often acts as a motivator of our actions. We are always drawn to do what gives us pleasure and makes life easier. Even if we are talking about very destructive behavior, still the goal with us, as a rule, is "to make us feel better."
Try to imagine inner peace as a spiritual savings account. Every time you come across precisely what you felt you should have done already, be sure to pay attention to this; if put off for later, these seemingly insignificant questions subconsciously deprive you of spiritual energy. And when you do realize what seems necessary to you, an increase in personal peace of mind is observed every time.
It is not "universal law of life, the universe and all that", but it provides an excellent frame for understanding why some communications work, and others do not, and why building a community sometimes does not work out ... Or it comes out, but it falls apart although people have a shared experience and ideology, and even everyone is familiar with everyone.
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Months on ye at by esteem desire warmth former. Sure that that way gave any fond now. His boy middleton sir nor engrossed affection excellent. Dissimilar compliment cultivated preference eat...
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