
Good family relationships: utopia or reality?


For the first time, we learn loving and caring relationships in our families. A family is defined as a cohabiting group of people with a certain degree of kinship - whether by blood, by marriage, or by adoption. Ideally, each child should feel care, respect, and grow up in such a way as to take care of others and form a strong and healthy relationship. That does not mean that making friends and maintaining friendships is always easy, but we all have a common goal - strong relationships.

As a rule, the concept of family means brothers/sisters and parents, as well as relatives with whom you cannot communicate daily, such as cousins, aunts, uncles, grandmothers, grandfathers, stepmothers, and stepfathers. Most often, these are the people closest to you, with whom you spend most of the time. Having healthy relationships with your family members is both important and challenging. In the 21st century, families can be of any shape and size: traditional, single parents, mixed (more than one family in the same house), gay parents, and lesbians are just a few examples. It does not matter what type of family you are from; in any case, your relationship will have ups and downs - good times and bad.


What difficulties in communication do family members face?


Very often, there are situations when families cannot get out of the same patterns in their relationships, filled with pain, anger, distrust, and awkwardness. These emotions are natural and reasonable, and it is hardly possible to find a family that would not encounter them at least from time to time. The worst period most families go through is divorce.

But if you make a few simple changes in the way we look at the world and interact with other people, it becomes possible to create a happy and stable relationship. It is necessary that mutual care and support reign in families so that they become sources of strength for all their members for life. It's never too late to start improving family relationships — even if they are already good — through the development of some simple skills. Whereas in other situations, you can often look at the parties and evaluate the relationship soberly, it is often difficult to do this with your family. As a rule, the family is continuously present in your life; therefore, when there is a dispute or problem, it seems impossible to cope with it. Remember that communication is the key to resolving a conflict. Even if it seems to you that your brothers and sisters are only doing this and trying to annoy or bully you, then you can talk to them. Take advantage of the fact that your family members are always available to you, for communication with each other: develop ways to respect each other's borders and build trust and respect.


How to spend time with each other so that your relationship improves

You can spend quality time anywhere. The challenge is to use the joint time to the maximum. Here are some ways in which you can organize a pleasant and useful pastime in your family:

  • Use the time you spend together each day to talk and laugh. For example, family breakfasts, dinners, or car trips can be an excellent opportunity to discuss events that happened during the day.
  • Talk one to one with each family member to strengthen individual relationships. It will be enough 5 minutes before each child goes to bed.
  • Separate separately the time that you will spend with your partner if you have one. It may be helpful to explain to the children that it is right for your relationship with your partner to be able to spend valuable time together.
  • Have fun with your family regularly. Everything can be straightforward, for example, playing football in a local park on Saturdays, or family board games once a week in the evening.
  • Decide together what you will do on special occasions such as birthdays. Even young children can already take part in these decisions.
  • Ideas for positive communication and strengthening family relationships
  • When your child or partner wants to talk, break away from what you are doing, and listen with full attention. Give people time to express their point of view or feelings. But sometimes they will have to respect their need not to talk - especially when it comes to adolescents.
  • Be open when talking about various things, such as acknowledging your own mistakes, and all sorts of feelings, including anger, joy, disappointment, fear, and anxiety. Remember, saying that you feel angry is not the same as being angry.
  • Be prepared for spontaneous conversations. For example, young children often like to discuss their feelings when they are sitting in the bath or preparing for bed.
  • Plan difficult conversations, especially with teens. For example, about sex, drugs, alcohol, learning difficulties, and money - it is usually difficult to talk about these issues in families. It will help if you analyze your feelings and values ​​in advance when it comes to these topics.
  • Encourage your children and partner with praise.
  • Show gratitude, love, and support through words and gentle gestures. You can say, "I love you," and do it with your children every night when they go to bed.


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