Dare to Dream

I wrote for myself this message, and it seemed to me that this could be important for someone, and therefore I wanted to share it.

Listen, friend! I want to ask you something: about what we usually forget. And this is very important! Perhaps this is the most important thing you can hear from me now. Therefore, listen carefully to me. I want to remind you this is what: dream!

Dreamlike a kid, honestly, with a clear heart, dream as if nobody ever told you this lousy phrase - DREAMS DO NOT come true. It's LIES!

Your dreams will become true if they are YOURS! If you believe, if you act.


Dreams inspire!

Ideas motivate and inspire action!

Goals lift you out of bed and fill you with energy.

Thoughts about your dreams will make you happier.

Dreams - they inspire. Dream on!

An idea is your vector. A dream with confidence and action towards it is already a goal. And the goal - it is concrete, it directs. Without hope, you are blind; you don't know where to go, spinning in one place behind the wind, a sliver, carrying a stormy stream of life wherever you like.

Be a ship! Dream on! Live consciously! Live a full life! Dream on!

Your dreams will fill your life with meaning.

Do not exist, live! I beg you!

You did not come to this world just to work, to exist, to gnaw under the sun. We began to dream. And so, we came to create.

Dream on! Do not look back at anyone! No matter how small your dream may be, it is yours. Realize it, and vision it. Significant for you. Dream after dream! Dream after dream!

Dream on! I beg you. Otherwise, others will dream for you. And then you will not live your life, but these others. And you will not fulfill your dreams, but strangers.

Do you want this? Do you live for this? That little you dreamed about it when you still loved and knew how to do it?

Listen, friend! Stop, do not run. Without a dream, you still can't make it. You don't know where to run. Do not waste your time. Don't waste time at all! That is the most valuable thing you have.


Remember what you dreamed about. After all, you once dreamed! Everybody dreamed that he would grow up and achieve success. You will become someone important, significant. You will be a scientist, artist, doctor, famous athlete, an astronaut at last. You dreamed of travelling around the world, making a bunch of discoveries, creating a masterpiece, leaving a memory about yourself, or simply not knowing how yet, but dreamed that you would definitely be happy. And then, for some reason, you stopped. You became an adult. This world was created by dreamers, whose dreams no one ever believed, which they said: hey, this is impossible, quit it, you crank, get down to serious business. All that great that we use, we are delighted, against the background of which we make selfies, was once just someone's dream, someone's unrealistic fantasy, someone's aspiration, and someone's faith. Dream, buddy, wherever you are now, no matter who you are now. It's not too late to realize your dream.

A man is created to perceive and design his life. Now is the best time to start! Now! not yesterday, not tomorrow, not Monday. NOW!

Start dreaming! Dream big and dream small things. See yourself and your world the way you like it, create it first in fantasies and thoughts, and write your masterpiece. Dream, believe, act, and do not give up! Never, hear, never give up and betray your desire. I believe in you, friend! And you believe in yourself! Start dreaming!

You have to dream and reach for the stars.

I know that all this works ... my dreams come true that way ... sometimes quite unexpectedly for myself ... dare to dream!

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