The soul is not something at rest, but rather, on the contrary, it is something always restless, active. The soul is not ready before its manifestation. The soul is not only (as psychology believed) a particular "soul-thing," standing alone in the external relation to the body, but something internal, connected with the body, forming something one-piece - a living human organism.
A soul without a body would not be a living earth soul and vice versa. When the soul leaves the body, then it will not. The human body itself does not have the self-sufficient power of life: it "receives" it with the life-giving power of the soul.
But at the same time, it is indisputable that the soul is in the body, and the body is the limit of its implementation. Without a soul, no organized living organism would exist at all. When the body loses its soul, it turns out to be not alive, but dead, when it decomposes, loses its living organization; therefore, the soul is a life-giving principle. The presence of our souls is the absolute condition of our being, the inherent principle of our life.
When the soul, as it were, shines with the rays of consciousness and self-awareness, our body keeps in the basic shape; however, even a few second loss of consciousness is enough, and the person faints. The famous principle of R. Descartes, "I think; therefore, I exist" is undeniable. Perhaps we can agree with the statement of one of the existentialists, who said: "I feel sick, then I exist."
According to Hegel, the soul is that part of man's spiritual activity, and the connection with man's physicality is still strongly affected. This view contains a profound truth. When considering the soul, psychology nor philosophy can do without feeling the connection of the spiritual world of a person with his physicality, primarily with the brain. The spiritual does not exist outside of the physical. We can say: the soul of a physically organized person in this way, that is, of his particular physicality, expresses himself in his real appearance. The appearance of the bodily presence is only the outward expression of our soul.
Man is a soul-body, psychophysical being, or otherwise: a man is an animate body or a bodily embodied soul.
The soul takes the form of an individual subject, expressed in the features of temperament, character, talent, and other dispositions. Souls of people differ from each other in an infinite number of modifications. The originality of a person's rational nature has unique features that determine the person's uniqueness.
The body you have from your birth, but the soul is its engine and master. The soul is the leader; the body is led. Soul and body - who affects whom, how?
Everyone can become a genius; just one will take fifteen years for this, another forty. And so, of course, everyone is equal. By looking at the training participants, you can almost always be sure that they can become anyone. Or almost anyone – if they have a desire. In a group of newcomers, somebody will turn into a star, and no matter what kind of readiness their bodies and mind are.
Our body is a book in which our life keeps records: not only the past but also the future. And those who know how to read this book - they read it. When the Dalai Lama is aging, and it becomes clear that he will soon need a replacement, the monks go through villages and villages, looking for a new Dalai Lama. How do they do it? Simply. Passing village after village, they look at the faces of six - seven-year-old boys and, sooner or later, they find a new Dalai Lama. Note that the problems "But the parents will not give up their son" - usually does not arise. Parents themselves see who was born to them.
Yes, the boy will pass some more tests and a lot of studies, but the main thing - he is found. Such a decision is sagacious. By the age of five to seven, everything has already written on everyone's face, everyone's eyes, and his path already imprinted in his eyes, and you just need the vision to see it all.
Undoubtedly, the soul is thinking, noticeable and unnoticed sensations, representations, excitements, and compiled concepts, judgments, conclusions, decisions, voluntary acts, goal-setting, and other spiritual phenomena. In psychology, body and soul usually considered separately, and this has its didactic meaning. But in its essence, the soul is something one-piece.
So, where is the truth? Does the body shape the soul, or does the soul build the body? I think that your research will be much more interesting than my answers.
In general, the best way to get an answer to this question is to gather all your courage and just find the time to carry out any spiritual practice, try it yourself. You should be ready to meet face to face with everything that will manifest itself, and then to come into contact with the most valuable within yourself every day.
Money is neutral energy, a screen for our projections. In psychology, this term means a process as a result of which a person mistakenly considers everything that happens inside as coming from outside. He can endow others and even objects with qualities and characteristics that he has chosen, and at the same time, he perceives these data as an objective fact.
For the first time, we learn loving and caring relationships in our families. A family is defined as a cohabiting group of people with a certain degree of kinship - whether by blood, by marriage, or by adoption. Ideally, each child should feel care, respect, and grow up in such a way as to take care of others and form a strong and healthy relationship. This does not mean that making friends and maintaining friendships is always easy, but we all have a common goal - strong relationships.
In any relationship, whether it is a relationship with parents, friends, lovers, you give yourself. You share your psychic and emotional energies. You put labor and effort into making the relationship take the form you need.
For example, you want your partner to go to the lake this weekend with you. But he stubbornly wants to stay home. In this case, you give away your mental energy and spend it on the situation, without guarantees you will receive in return.
You spend emotional energy when you empathize with someone when you share someone's defeats and sorrows. But if your partner does the same for you - you build a balance. You are trying to maintain a balance in a relationship. But if you do not "give," then the balance will be upset. In any communication, in any relation, you have something to do with a partner.
There are many varieties of Spiritual Mentors who can give us advice and help in any situation – they inspire with specific thought to protect you from danger, and become a permanent part of your life if you seek help. Do not doubt that the right mentor will introduce himself to you precisely at the right time, to help you in your life in the best way and not to harm anyone.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a virus that is very similar in structure to the common virus among bats. And this is the result of his mutation. Currently, it has not yet been sufficiently studied. Nevertheless, it is already known that it is transmitted by airborne droplets and by contact, although others that are still unknown are possible. Coronavirus can be transmitted both from a sick person with symptoms and in an asymptomatic period.
Relationships at work show us who we are. And if you do not like colleagues, then this is good a reason to think about what needs to be changed in your attitude or behavior, as complicated relationships at work can ruin any career. So how to establish contact with colleagues and stay yourself?
Outside of work, we can choose with whom to communicate, and with whom - not. But the office is a place where communication is mandatory. Colleagues are united by one company, profession, or interests, but they can differ significantly in character, needs, values, age, and culture.
We know that a person is affected by life situations and other people; his mood exposes to circumstances from the outside, weather, and temperature outside the window, but many forget that the color scheme plays a significant role in everyone's life. At first glance, a relatively new area of research in psychology may seem frivolous, but the technique really works and favorably affects the emotional background.
You are the most crucial person in your entire universe. After all, you live life by looking at it with your own eyes. Through them, you perceive your interactions with the world and people around you, your thoughts and interpretation of events, relationships, actions, and words. If we are talking about the general structure of things around the world, then you are only one of many. But when it comes to your own understanding of reality, the only one that matters is you. Therefore, your life depends on how much you love and care about yourself.
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Months on ye at by esteem desire warmth former. Sure that that way gave any fond now. His boy middleton sir nor engrossed affection excellent. Dissimilar compliment cultivated preference eat...
Months on ye at by esteem desire warmth former. Sure that that way gave any fond now. His boy middleton sir nor engrossed affection excellent. Dissimilar compliment cultivated preference eat...
Months on ye at by esteem desire warmth former. Sure that that way gave any fond now. His boy middleton sir nor engrossed affection excellent. Dissimilar compliment cultivated preference eat...